
Agriculture Education Resources | Careers in Agriculture Info | Reports and Studies

Agriculture Education Resources
Agri-Environmental Resources
Grades 7 - 10 **

A resource to provide Atlantic Canadian grade 7 to 10 teachers up-to-date information on environmental issues facing the agriculture industry.

Agri-Environmental Resources
High School **

A resource to provide Atlantic Canadian high school teachers up-to-date information on environmental issues facing the agriculture industry.

Agri-Environmental Resources
Kindergarten- Grade 6 **

A resource to provide Atlantic Canadian kindergarten to grade 6 teachers up-to-date information on environmental issues facing the agriculture industry.

Agri-science Resource for High School Chemistry
An agriculture learning resource for teachers and students that contains activities, information, and experiments to bring agriculture into the chemistry classroom.

Agri-Science Resource for High School Physics
An agriculture learning resource for teachers and students that contains activities, information, and experiments to bring agriculture into the physics classroom.

Agri-science Resources for High School Biology
An agriculture learning resource for teachers and students that contains activities, information, and experiments to bring agriculture into the biology classroom.

Agriculture Resource Book for Educators
A resource book for kindergarten to grade 12 teachers designed to provide them with a listing of many of the agriculture and agri-science resources available across Canada.

All About Food


Helping Canada grow
 CropLife infographics and social media graphics

Operation Agro
This set of lessons has been developed to introduce Prince Edward Island grades 4-6 students to various concepts in agriculture. It has been divided into five broad sections that can be taught as they are, or expanded and adapted as you see fit.

Real Dirt on Farming

The Real Dirt on Farming booklet is designed to connect you with the food you eat, and introduce you to some of Canada's farm families. This booklet provides basic facts on topics such as the difference between growing crops conventionally and organically, pesticide use, animal housing and animal welfare, environmental sustainability, technology used in farming as well as many other subjects that you have indicated are important to you. The goal of this book is to help you make informed decisions about the food you're serving your family.

Thank you for taking the time to find out about us and how we grow your food and, most importantly, thank you for buying our products. We truly appreciate it. By reading this booklet, you'll get the "Real Dirt" on food and farming in Canada.

Teachers Resource Fund
The Teachers Resource Fund is an initiative of the PEI Agriculture Awareness Committee. It is an available fund source for teachers who wish to purchase additional supplies for the classroom that have a direct emphasis on agriculture education. Funding now open for the 2018-19 school year. 

Careers in Agriculture Info
10 Available Jobs in the Agri-Food Sector
Besides day-to-day farm duties, there are plenty of career fields that are necessary for agriculture to thrive in Canada, and these are just ten of them.

Agricultural Career Profiles
Agricultural Career Profiles
View profiles of some agricultural workers employed on P.E.I.
Equipment Operator and Welder
Farm Worker (Potato)
Field Production Manager (Blueberries)
Purchasing and Procurement Manager (Beef)
Veterinary Student

Agriculture Employment Application Form
An application form designed for agricultural employers when hiring new employees.

Career Opportunities in Agriculture and Agri-science
This brochure lists seven major areas in the Agriculture industry where there is opportunity for various forms of employment.

Reports and Studies

Agricultural Learning/Skills Development Opportunities for PEI
Environmental scan identifies the needs of PEI's agricultural community with regards to education and training, catalogues the education and training opportunities available to PEI's agricultural community, and highlights gaps, barriers and hypotheses when comparing the needs to the opportunities. (2003)

Employee Retention Round Table Report
This round table discussion focused on Employee Retention practices. It was in cooperation with industry representatives and producers.

Environmental Scan & Literature Search of Agricultural Human Resource Issues
An environmental scan of existing programs, resources, reports and studies already in existence pertaining to human resource (HR) needs in the agriculture sector which identifies the current situation and scope of farm business management skills, programs and tools used by agricultural producers in Canada. (2005)

Human Resources Issues and Needs in the Agriculture Sector Focus Groups
Focus groups were conducted across Canada to explore the current and future human resource issues and trends in the Canadian agricultural industry. The feasibility of establishing a national sector council for the industry was also examined. (2005)

PEI Farm Learning Study and Designation Survey
The learning study focused on gaining a better understanding of the training needs and skills development needs of the PEI farming community through a series of interviews and group sessions. The designation survey gathered input from farmers for the application to the Department of Education’s Apprenticeship Board to have the job of “farm technician” achieve designation as a trade on PEI. (2004)

Seasonal Agricultural Labour Issues on Prince Edward Island
Study includes research on the labour market issues of seasonal labourers within various agricultural commodities on PEI and with recommondations to address the identified issues. (2003)

Study of Labour Supply and Demand Within the PEI Agriculture Sector
Study of Labour Supply and Demand Within the PEI Agriculture Sector
The PEI Agriculture Sector Council Board of Directors identified the recruitment and retention of agriculture workers as a major issue facing the PEI Agriculture Industry that required further research.

The purpose of this labour supply and demand study was to assist industry stakeholders to be aware of, and better understand, the dynamics of the agriculture labour force and issues related to recruitment and retention of workers. The study was also intended to assist in the development of more effective human resource planning and practices across the industry.

The study included a literature review and analysis of existing data (primarily from Statistics Canada) as well as the results of 167 employer surveys, 116 farm worker surveys, and 7 focus groups with employers and workers conducted specifically for this study. (2007)

This labour market study was funded by Canada/Prince Edward Island Labour Market Development Agreement, co-managed by Service Canada and the Provincial Department of Development and Technology.

Click here for a one-page document with a few highlights from the study.

Click here for a 24-page overview report that is intended to provide an overview of the methods, key findings, and recommendations from the study.

Click here for the full study report (68 pages) that contains the full methodology and results from the study including breakdown of results by commodity group, where applicable. It is intended to provide the detailed results in any particular area such as profile of the industry and its workforce, recruitment and retention issues, retirement and attrition of workers, and anticipated demand for workers.

Click here for a 39-page report that provides an overview of labour market issues identified in national and local reports and detailed statistics on the PEI Agriculture industry. It includes broad trends over the past two decades in the size, gender, age structure, and employment trends of the total agricultural labour force and sets out a detailed analysis of general farm workers and briefer analyses of the two smaller occupations: farm supervisors and specialized livestock workers, and harvest labourers. It draws on data from the Labour Force Survey, the 2006 Census of Agriculture, and the 2001 Census.

This report includes a copy of data collection instruments used in the study including employer and worker surveys and focus group guides as well as a key informant interview guide. To obtain an electronic copy of this report, please contact:

Laurie Loane, Executive Director
PEI Agriculture Sector Council
Tel: (902) 892-1091